Sunday, June 27, 2010


The Hour I First Believed
by Wally Lamb

Wally Lamb is absolutely amazing. Lately, reading good books have been quite important in surviving the stress of our economy. I rather find it calming to escape into another world. Wally Lamb is a captivating, deeply thoughtful and a marvelous writer.

This story is of a man's life married to a school nurse who was caught up in the fire storm of Columbine High School and a convoluted family history mixed in with his own failures. A very thought provoking, sensitive and intriguing life story. I was feeling better about my situations compared to this poor guys life. I had to keep reminding myself that it is just a story, but I did feel better because of the way this man processed his circumstances and kept going forward. He was a real type of a man, portrayed with pain, mistakes, warmth and depth of heart. All the books other characters were equally as interesting.

Monday, June 21, 2010


The Lace Reader
by Brunonia Barry

Interesting book in style and theme. It was a story of a witch of sorts, a mystic, an intuitive, damaged and haunted young woman. Just like the lace itself, this novel was woven like the fabric of lace with the wonderful, beautiful and delicate play of thread and space. I want to read this author again to get lost in the potential of the woman's mind, to be further inspired by our gifts of the natural.

Friday, June 11, 2010


South of Broad
by Pat Conroy

Pat Conroy's books are classics in the history of American books. They are to be read over and over again for the poetry of reading the life and times of characters. I love, love his beautiful poetry of words in harmony. Yes, I agree with other critics that many of the stories in the book were not very creditable and carried on a bit, but Conroy's words tasted so sweet and delightful. He could have rewritten a phone book and I would have loved his writings. He has a gift of a golden pen and golden mind for creativity and story wrapping, wrapping the life stories of his characters together and away and then bring them back again. Leo the protagonist and his life long and childhood friends were all portrayed as authentic, emotional and interesting loved ones going through a intriguing life of Charleston. I so wanted to be part of their little group, to love and be loved by the most thoughtful people of the south. To be a vanguard of integration on a football team and school yard. To be part of their colorful lives.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


The Girl Who Played With Fire
- Stieg Larsson

The continued story of the infamous characters from the author's previous book with even more intrigue. Amazing and captivating with a satisfaction of karmic revenge. I cannot wait for the next book to come into the library.


The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
- by Stieg Larsson

Incredible, I was so captivated once I got past the first 50 pages. Larsson was a genius to intertwine so many interesting characters with several consulting stories. He writes with so much depth of character, so much personalities in their being. Unlike other crime detective dramas with a side kick. This woman side kick, not really a side kick at all, is more real, more powerful, realistically flawed, more intelligent and more ambitious. She is not a blond make believe cop obviously written by a simple man. I loved this character woman, she was deep.