Sunday, February 28, 2010


Animals In Translation
by Temple Grandin

Amazing, even more so to read it for the second time. This book is full of scientifically researched and backed information and studies about pets and animals. The author highlights the importance of care and training of animals on a level of complete truth in sound research. Being autistic herself, this genius in her own right, can understand animals at a deep level animals. Of how animals think and behave and the author transcribes this level of understanding into words we understand. At least most of us understand because some of us see in pictures as Grandin does and animals seem to. Her commitment is to assist humans in understanding animals and to care for them with humanity, respect and correct attention.


  1. Oh there is no doubt animals understand so much more than we realize. Thanks so much for your visit and sweet comment. Your Yofi is soooo beautiful!!

  2. ooh sounds like a page turner for any animal lover, like myself :)
